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Short Film Focus: Baloji

13th Parish Festival of Independent Film and Music
  • 15 May 1pm
52 mins
Jersey Arts Centre

We are delighted to introduce the unique world of multimedia artist, filmmaker and performer, Baloji. Baloji is an artist in motion, a musician, poet, film director, a man of images and ideas. He was born in DR Congo and grew up in Belgium. As a teenager, he started his first rap collective, Starflam. Baloji directs his own videos, short films and experimental work and creates the visuals for his varied projects. In recent years, his short films have been selected worldwide, with ‘Zombies’ winning the Grand Prix at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival.

Never Look at the Sun / 2019 / 5 mins

‘Ancestral patterns combined with modern prejudices and stigma explain skin bleaching’

Kaniama Show / 2017 / 24 mins

‘Kaniama Show’ is a satire of the national TV in an African country, spreading the propaganda of soft power between complacent interviews and musical interludes.

Peau de Chagrin / Bleu de Nuit / 2018 / 9 mins

My love, can we attach the futile to the pleasant before it is reduced to a skin of sorrows?

Zombies / 2018 / 14 mins

A journey between hope and dystopia in a hallucinated Kinshasa. ‘Zombie’ goes from the culture of the hair salon to futuristic clubbing, from the urban parade to the glory of a dictator in campaign to a modern western.

With thanks to Baloji and Sudu Connexion

To view the full 13th Parish Festival programme, please click here.


£4 seniors and students