Join members of Jersey Arts Centre’s Community Christmas Company – there will be 30 of us! – as we take you on a Parisian musical adventure celebrating composers and lyricists from across the genres.
Since 2013, ARTcomedia directors: Bertrand Larmet et Veronique Martinez, from L’Hermitage in Brittany, have performed their own work and musical theatre concerts at Jersey Arts Centre. They have also been our Musical Director and Vocal Coach on six of our Community Christmas productions: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Wind in the Willows, A Christmas Carol, Swallows and Amazons, Alice in Wonderland and The Sound of Music. They return this December for Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
This concert is a celebration of Paris and the work ARTcomedia has achieved with children and adults alike these past 11 years! Bienvenue au Concert des Poulbots: bon voyage! This concert will be performed in English and French.
Francisque Poulbot (1879 – 1946) was a French affichiste (poster designer) famous for his representations of Parisian street children. The French neologism ‘poulbot’ refers to illustrations representing Parisian street children.
Suitable for 8 years +
To find out more about our other exciting ‘playdays’ Children’s Festival events – click here!