In keeping with our main purpose: ‘to educate, inspire and encourage debate’, Jersey Arts Centre launched its Learning Centre on 13 February 2020 just before the national lockdown of the 2020+ pandemic.
The aim of The Learning Centre is to bring under one banner the extensive education and outreach work which has been developed over the past 40 years in the form of a retro-classroom from which these various projects and initiatives can be coordinated and further developed.
The following education and outreach work – including six theatre companies – will be coordinated from this space under the direction of Hettie Duncan, Education and Outreach Coordinator, and her team:
- Junior Drama (8-13 years)
- youtheatre (14-19 years)
- ACT (ArtsCentreTheatre) (18 years+)
- Community Christmas Company
- Theatre-in-Education Company
- Brighter Futures Company
- Schools’ Workshops
- Summer Schools
- Arts in Health Care
- Courses and workshops
- Project Trident Students
For more information on any of the above initiatives, see further down the ‘Get Involved’ page or contact: hettie@artscentre.je
The commissioned mural in The Learning Centre, and the image you see above, is by Glen Fox.
Please see Jersey Arts Centre’s Safeguarding Policy – on our Policies page – for all relevant information.