Summary of Spring 2025 courses:
- Yoga for Beginners (18 years +) / Tutor: Karen Le Mottee / Starts: 6 January
- Art History (18 years +) / Tutor: Lisa Oxenden-Wray / Starts: 15 January
- Improv with Allan! (18 years+) / Tutor: Allan Gardner / Starts: 3 February
- Art History: The Renaissance (18 years +) / Tutor: Lisa Oxenden-Wray / Starts: 6 February
- Art History: The French Revolution (18 years +) / Tutor: Lisa Oxenden-Wray / Starts: 6 March or 27 March
- Introduction to Astrology (18 years +) / Tutor: Jemma Warner /Starts: 5 March
- Half Term Drama Mornings (8 – 13 years) / Tutors: Jordi Sunier and Wayne Stewart / Starts: 18, 19, 20 February
- Easter Drama Mornings (8 – 13 years) / Tutors: Jordi Sunier and Hettie Duncan / Starts: 16 or 17 April
Full details of our courses and workshops programme can be found on the What’s On / Courses page of our website…
Our Junior Drama, youtheatre and ACT companies are currently in rehearsal for their latest shows and the details for next intakes are published on their individual pages.
For more information about Courses & Workshops, please contact Hettie Duncan at: hettie@artscentre.je
Please see Jersey Arts Centre’s Safeguarding Policy – on our Policies page – for all relevant information.